Limitation of liability for damages
- Content uploaded by users on the website and on the Company's social networks in any form is taken solely "as is", i.e. "as available", and we are not held responsible for possible consequences, including any damage that may be caused by other users or third parties, which may result from different interpretations of the content found on the website and the Company's social networks.
- Despite reasonable efforts, we do not guarantee that the website, i.e. all its contents, as well as the contents on the Company's social networks, will always be available and available, and that they will not contain errors and computer programs that could cause damage to other users or third parties persons (eg viruses, worms, etc.).
- To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude liability:
– for any damage caused to users or third parties as a result of the publication on social networks of content contrary to the terms of use by users, third parties, sponsors, advertisers, etc.;
- for any damage that users or third parties cause or suffer in connection with the use of the website and the Company's social networks, especially in the case of misuse, destruction or damage to content or functions, etc.;
– for damage caused to other users or third parties due to infringement of their copyright or other intellectual property rights, due to publication or uploading of content by other users on the website and the Company's social networks;
– for damage caused to users and/or third parties due to the temporary unavailability of the website and the Company's social networks, that is, certain contents or functions;
- for damage caused by advertisers to the contents of advertisements published on social networks, through their advertisement pages that are available to users, and related to the truthfulness and accuracy of these contents, the availability of advertised products and services to users;
- for any damage caused to users or third parties by changes or cancellation of certain contents, functions, services, design, concept of the website;
- for any damage caused to users or third parties, related to the use of websites of third parties, which are accessible via links published on the website and on the Company's social networks.